My Little Hands Life

I first started at Little Hands at age 11, a shy, introverted girl with no previous sewing experience and a subdued nature.


Sewing soon became a main feature in my life, and over the 5 years that I have spent at Little Hands I’ve learnt many things. Not only have I learnt a plethora of sewing techniques and useful skills here, but I have also learnt valuable life lessons that will remain with me my whole life.


Spending time at Little Hands helped to increase my confidence both in terms of sewing and in self-confidence; looking at the different styles that suited different body types and the kind of clothing that made me look my best transformed me into a person who was much more confident with who they were.


Now, 5 years on from where I started, I not only still attend sewing classes here regularly  (and I’ve also encouraged other member of my family to take it up, my mum and my little sister!)


But, I also work in the holidays as a Tiny Hands Teacher, teaching younger children aged 6-8 the basics of sewing. This is an incredibly rewarding thing to do, as being able to pass on the skills you have learnt to the next generation of young sewers is a delight.


Knowing that you are helping to transform these children’s lives is a reward in itself, and every time I see my former students return to Little Hands in the term time to continue their sewing experience I am overjoyed.  img_4320

I also volunteer here for two hours on a Saturday for my Duke of Edinburgh Silver, and did both my skill and volunteering here last year for my Bronze. In these volunteering sessions I help out in many different ways. I find helping to teach the hands on designer sessions is always fun, and the other tasks I learn to do are a valuable experience for me, such as helping out with office work or preparing the projects for the upcoming term.


Before joining the Little Hands team, I took everything that happened here for granted: the patterns always ready to be used, the fabric all sorted, the paperwork completed and in order, everyone having access to a teacher for help. Working here has made me understand all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes and the vast amount of work the teachers put in to keep the place running smoothly.


I would definitely recommend anyone thinking of coming here to learn sewing to do so, as the skills you pick up here will stay with you for life and help you in future endeavours. 

If you want to share your experiences at Little Hands email or speak to us in class you could be our next star on the blog!